We are very excited to tell you about our cutting edge technology that we have for our window tint tulsa. We have high quality material and we have a computer cut our films to your vehicles exact window specifications. We have three different levels of tent packagings we are very transparent and honest with our cost. We also have additional services that we can offer for our window tint Tulsa. Some of those services are express rolldown. That means you’ll be able to read on your Windows right after you leave the shop instead of waiting 24 hours. Also I would no-fault warranty covers any accidental or malicious damage to the window tent for the entire time you own the vehicle. And then we also offer windshield strip, sunroof tent, window tent removal, and the full windshield.
Here at window tint Tulsa we have three high quality film to put over your windows. We have a color stable die film is a soft charcoal look in different shades and is made to enhance the look of your car. Next we have the nanoparticles ceramic film. It offers great he and UV protection also with glare reduction and it does not have any Syrians with signals from any electronic devices. And then lastly we have our multilayer nanoparticles ceramic film. This film is engineered for comfort and less distracting glare, it’s the newest window tent infused with absorbing product properties. It rejects the 71% of solar heat and it shields all the passengers from more than 99% of UV rays.
Before making a decision on which film and which tent you should get you need to consider some things. Such as what is the legal shade in your state? What shaded go best with your car? How dark do I want the window to look whether it’s a sunny day or at night time? And what color is your interior. The dark guarantee. The darker you window may be. We have an amazing stimulation on our website, they can put what vehicle type you have and what you color of vehicle is and then, what window tents would like best and in what areas.
One of the coleus things that we have is that we have a computer cut the window tent exactly to your car specifications. Therefore there is no off-color, off cut, hand cutting, it is very precise, and perfect. It helps us have a faster process therefore we have a faster install. Therefore we can get you back on the road with your new window tinted windows.
If you have any questions comments concerns don’t be afraid to contact us at any time. We will be happy to answer any questions you have, or if you’re wanting your free quotes, you can always contact us through our website. Our website is www.whitegloveautotulsa.com. In our window tint Tulsa phone number is (918)806-2780. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you upgrade your car.
Window Tint Tulsa
White Glove Auto offers an amazing window tint Tulsa. They have over 40 years of experience and we are the highest rated and most reviewed automotive care facility and all of Oklahoma. We are also home of the Tulsa’s highest rated and most reviewed auto wrap company. We are also the XPEL’s number one largest dealer in Oklahoma. That means we have the most volume and high quality work using XPEL products. We are certified by manufacturers directly we have trained them directly. If you bought a new car wanting to change it up a little bit, don’t be afraid to contact us directly.
Window tint Tulsa offers three levels of tent packages. They are very transparent and honest with our prices. You’ll appreciate the time and effort that we have spent training our employees in order to receive and give you the best customer service available. We have multiple shades of tent we look forward to seeing you and being able to help you decide which one is best for you. We have several different national tent services. Such as express roll down, no-fault warranty, window strip, sunroof tent, full windshield, window tent removal.
We also offer computer cut Window Tint Tulsa. It’s a perfect accurate tent every time fitted for your specific vehicle. You’ll be happy to know about our micro edge film cutting technology it’s quick flawless and ready to go. We believe that a faster process is a fast installation. We want to be able to give you a fast installation see can be on your way in your new tinted windows. We want to get your car back to you as soon as you can see can see how flawless and perfect we installed it.
Our express rolldown it when you’re able to roll your windows down right after you leave the shop versus how you normally would have to wait 48 hours. Your no-fault warranty would cover accidental or malicious damages to the window film for the entire time that you own the vehicle. Some of the factors may help decide in making which tent you should go for. Some of the questions you may ask yourself is what is the legal shade of my window tent in your state of living? What is the outcome you’re trying to achieve? What shade would go best with your car? How dark I want the window tent to look whether it’s a sunny day or a dark night? What colors my vehicle’s interior? The reason it is important because if you have a darker interior you have a darker window tent.
If you have any questions comments concerns will be free to contact us anytime. If you’re looking for a free quote you can always find www.whitegloveautotulsa.com. White Glove Auto can be contacted through their website. Their website is www.whitegloveautotulsa.com. Window tent Tulsa can be contacted through their phone number as well. Their phone number is (918)806-2780. We look forward to working with you and being able to give you the best quality service available.